Gifts of Health and Hope


Your gifts in action

Your gifts in action




Every year, Impact Nations meets the needs of many communities in crisis.

Whether facing a natural disaster, war,
or struggling with insufficient infrastructure,
many communities are in danger due to
contaminated water and poor nutrition.
Your gift will bring immediate relief
to those in desperate need.
YOUr gift will bring immediate relief to
those in desperate need.

Choose a Gift of Health & Hope

Emergency Food Distribution

Emergency Food Distribution

Every dollar you give will provide as many as four meals.

Mosquito Nets

Mosquito Nets

Malaria takes over 400,000 lives each year. Your gift will provide protection for five families.

Water Filter

Water Filter

Each filter provides continuous clean water for up to three families.



Mobile medical clinics treat as many as 350 people per day. Your gift will provide medicine for those who may have no other access to medical professionals.