Create A Fundraiser

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Design Your Page

Accepts letters, numbers, periods, dashes and quotes
Minimum 600x400

Involve Your Friends

Involve Your Friends

Whether its family, friends, or church family, each of us has a community that would love to join us on this Journey but can't. When you create a fundraising page, you not only move closer to covering your registration costs, you open the door for everyone who can't be on the ground with us to participate in the incredible works of rescue God will do on this Journey of Compassion.

Start your fundraiser today!

1. Enter your email address

2. Name your page

Pro Tip: short is better. Your title will be the web address for your fundraising page. For example "Jill's Journey" becomes

3. Select a photo

We have a few images available if you'd like, but a photo of you will be much more compelling. We may have a short promotional video available for you upon request.

4. Set a financial goal and a deadline.

We recommend you set a goal that includes your estimated airfare, and set a deadline for the early registration date. If you have already donated toward your own Journey (ie. your $500 deposit), we will apply that to your fundraising meter after you have created your page.

5. Write your story

Tell your friends and family what you'll be doing on this Journey and why it is important to you. You may wish to download this fundraising letter and use it as a template.

6. Click "Create Page" and then share!

Share the link to your new fundraising page through social media, text, and email. Don't be shy! Your friends and family are eager to participate, they just need reminding.