Rescuing abused and at risk girls through crisis pregnancy support and vocational training
As the School of Purpose has grown, we have run out of classroom space. We currently have an office space beside our shelter. Many of our offices have been converted to classrooms but this is creating issues for both learners and staff.
In 2023, we plan to provide our eight month intensive training to hundreds of girls at our primary location. In order to do this, we need to build a proper Classroom Block. Not only will this new building allow us to take in more students and provide higher quality training without interruptions, it will also provide a small showroom from which girls can begin to sell their products.
We also intend to build a new bathroom facility for the students. The current restrooms are small, old, and face ongoing maintenance challenges. As more students are joining our program, the facility has become entirely insufficient. Our vision in everything is to make these girls feel like a princess. They are infinitely more valuable than they have ever been told and we want to reinforce this by providing a clean and enjoyable environment.
Furthermore, these new facilities will assist in our application for accreditation with the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT).
The Remnant Generation has been serving women in Lyantonde district for three years now. However, the vast distances between medical and professional centers makes it extra challenging for women to escape abuse and survive complications during pregnancy. This year, The Remnant Generation's impact will be multiplied!
In addition to a new building, a new campus, and an ambulance, The Remnant Generation will rescue over 5000 women and their babies throughout 2023!
Near the end of the 2022 season, a small group of girls in the Community Skilling Program took the business strategies they learned in the School of Purpose and pooled their resources to purchase a pregnant pig. This blossoming Business Club has learned to raise, breed, and sell pigs! The new piggery will provide for their families and they have offered to teach other Business Clubs what they have learned about this unique business.
The School of Purpose teaches more than just a skill. The Alternativ business curriculum is integrated into each course. Designed specifically for illiterate students, this proven program teaches everything a girl needs to start her own business. From budgeting and saving to market research and marketing, our graduates are well prepared to launch their own enterprise.
In the rural community of Lyantonde, we have established a clinic that provides ultrasounds and other basic prenatal care. We also work closely with nearby government hospitals to help provide basic labor and delivery services. But sometimes these mothers and their babies need more advanced care.
If more advanced care is needed, the nearest pediatric hospital is a full two hour drive away. Currently, this hospital has only one ambulance that is shared by four regions. Due to the lack of resources, we lost 11 babies in 2022 alone simply because we couldn’t immediately provide the advanced medical attention they urgently needed.
That’s why we are asking for your help to fund the purchase of a new ambulance. Together, we will save the lives of many mothers and newborns in need of urgent and advanced medical attention.